Long Island BMW Riders Club


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Long Island BMW Riders Club Holiday Party

Honu Kitchen

The Long Island BMW Riders Club 2018 Holiday Party was held at Honu Kitchen & Cocktails in Huntington, NY on December 8, 2018.  We had a great showing of well over 40 participants.  The food was fabulous and the atmosphere at Honu is just great.  They hosted the club in the upstairs loft where we had a private room and our laughter did not upset other customers.  

The President and First Lady

The evening started with a few drinks and a cocktail mixer hour.  Each member and spouse had a chance to talk to all the others in the room and it was very lively to say the least!

Enjoying the company!

The awards presentation started and we handed out achievement awards for the year. We held our always enjoyable mileage awards presentation hosted by Mr Price and then had our raffle between appetizer and dinner.  The mileage awards are always a highlight of the night and it did not disappoint for 2018.  The club as a whole rode 141,819 miles for 11 months as the competition was cut short by 1 month due to a change of schedule.  We had 15 people ride over 5,000 miles and 5 with well over 10,000 miles this year.

There were many recipients of awards this year and we gave out several new and exciting awards for “Ambassadors”, “20th Annual Event” and “Excellence in Service” to name a few. As usual with the LIBMWRC group it was a lively series of presentations with many laughs and jokes throughout.

After the awards were given out dinner came at just the right time and we all enjoyed dinner, desert and some great conversation!  Honu does a great job with the menu and there was something for everyone.  The smiles on the faces of the people told you how good the food was and no-one walked away hungry.

Thank you for everyone who made this happen in the club leadership and all the club members.  It is a vibrant membership that makes a great club.

Long Island BMW Club